Experimental 2020/2021

In February 2021, I had just embarked on producing a collection entitled  Germany’s Colonial History (now on hold),  when the Corona virus SARS-CoV-2 struck. The advent of the pandemic completely changed the theme of my work and the eventual closure of retail shops, specifically art supplies, led to a lack of availability of my usual painting medium and the consequent creation of a different experimental art form hitherto unused by me...collage with cloth, paper and items found around the house. Perhaps because of the cotton experiments in 2019, I revisited USA and recommenced with the ugliness of the human behavioural practice of lynching. The paintings shown are largely inspired from images gathered on the internet using the word ‘Lynching’ . Lynching in the US, targeted primarily enslaved African-Americans, with the south experiencing the majority of lynchings. This form of racial terrorism was used to impose white supremacy and perpetuate Jim Crow laws.


Black Chronicles


Experimental 2019